Oct 20, 2019 Exchange students performed ninja experience
Very cute & charming ladies and good looking gentlemen came to the Tokyo Hinode Bukeyashi. They are the foreign students, 1 from Norway, 2 from Sweden, 2 from Taiwan, 1 from Germany, 1 from Greece, 2 from Japan. They were the first guests who made reservation through "Voyajin". After introduction of the Bukeyashiki, they dressed up ninja costume, and then went up to the 3rd floor where the ninja training room is located. They started with greeting, and how to receive sword. After those, blowgun training was conducted. And then they went to outside to the garden, and training of sword and ninja star (shuriken) were performed. They all completed hard & severe training without any issue & problem. Since they wanted to know Japanese culture, this experience contributed to them. They were all cool!!! Good job done!!! (Hiroyuki)

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